The Lost Art of Spinning Tops
The factory of Max Dannhorn was not the onlyGerman factory that specialised in zinc and later tin tops. In the shift from wood to metal there were plenty of opportunities for new factories, in such places as Zirndorf. The reason why there were so many top-making factories in Zirndorf could be the result of its situation. Nuremberg and Furth are at walking distance from Zirndorf so that there was a potential market for wholesale, and the important basic materials and parts could be purchased close by as well. 1. Karl Rohrseitz from Zirndorf made tops since 1881. 2. Lorenz Bolz from Zirndorf made tops since 1875 and in ZDV WKH ¿UVW WR SURGXFH D KXPPLQJ WRS ZLWK D ¿[HG pumping mechanism. 3. Michael Seidel from Zirndorf made tops since 1881. 4. Martin Fuchs from Zirndorf made tops since 1919. 5. Michael Nüsslein from Nürnberg made tops since 1889. 6. Moses Kohnstam from Furth was a wholesaler in tops, among other things, under the name of ‘MOKO’ since 1885. 7. Martin Fuchs from Zirndorf also used this brand instead of the ‘fox’ head’ (1919). 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 4. 165
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